The Principal's Desk...



“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”


         At Maharaja Agrasen Mahavidyalaya, Bareilly – A futuristic college, we diligently follow the four pillars of education, endeavoring to groom our students into becoming wholesome personalities.

        An Institution is the above of leaning which assures civilization, coaching, cultivation, culture, development, discipline, training, tutoring and so on. Threading all these together, we strive to incorporate the four pillars. We aim to empower our students in such a manner that they act as representative of a meaningful and value based society.

        I sincerely hope that the new academic session blows out empathy and languor and ushers in a renewed zeal and dedication in Agrasen family. Once again, I shower my affectionate greetings on the promising intellects and promise that our institute will help you realise your potential and help you become valuable contributors to the society.


Dr. Saurabh Agrawal
